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Old 11-23-2011, 08:18 PM
shootingstar shootingstar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Thunder Bay ON
Posts: 110
shootingstar is on a distinguished road
Default swc cone 160 - replacement pump suggestion

A question for the folks that are running the swc cone 160.

Has anyone replaced the atman pump for something else?

Looking for a non atman/sicce pump suggestion that will fit.

Seriously sick and tired of the restart issues, if I can't find a decent pump to replace the existing one I may look at turfing the whole dang skimmer.

It has been repaired/replaced several times already and is not even a year old.

It simply will not restart after being unpluged/power loss, 100% of the time. I have to remove the collection cup....lift and tilt sideways....yell things my momma said were rude... and it starts up.

Love the skimmer.....HATE the pumps.
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