The tank enclosure should be fully sealed and painted by about Dec. 15, so assuming the tank is ready around that time, I'll have everything installed then plumb it. If the builder has no problems with it, I'll fill it up with salt water and the dry rock around christmas and toss in bag of cocktail shrimp. I probably won't even need to check on it that often (though I do go to the site pretty regularly), and if all goes according to plan it will be ready to receive un-cured live rock by the time I move in
The plan is to order the live rock directly from the source in the Pacific. If I'm lucky, having it skip any intermediate holding tanks should *hopefully* cut down on the chance of aiptasia. I'm also going to be adding it to a pre-cycled dry-rock tank, so there should already be a decent biological machinery in place to process the curing cycle and hopefully reduce further die off.