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Old 11-22-2011, 06:34 PM
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The duncan was on the rock and the LTA live in the sand, so no can do, but I did put the duncan in the sand near the anemone and I will see what happen.

I really wish I could move the anemone to that spot but there is no room as there are coral around that would get sting and that is a huge 10" + anemone and it's sand dwelling, not meant to live on the rock.

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Did you try putting your anenome where the duncan was? I had other clowns that tried hosting my bubble coral, bought a nem for them but they wouldn't go near it till I moved the bubble to the other side of the tank. Then they took to the nem right away.

I bought a maxi mini nem at the same time as the clowns but didn't realize clowns won't host these. I wasn't planning on adding another nem to the tank, but these are cool.

The clowns aren't going in the frog, just swim really close to it. I have some palys in the same area and one was sitting on them last night. Didn't seem to hurt anything.
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