My 6ft Slice of Ocean. . .
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11-22-2011, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 162
An equipment update here. I ordered a shiny new 6 stage deluxe RODI system from Bulk Reef Supply along with a bunch of filters. My old RO was a Coralife I bought before I really got into the hobby and knew what was going on. I love this new RO! I also learned that my water pressure sits around 80psi which is alot higher than I thought. Deffinitly no need for a booster pump. I also insulated my salt water mix tank as the room gets fairly cool. This should help keep the heater from running constantly in the tank. A new float valve was added from BRS instead of the garbage coralife one which filled with water and refused to float!
I also received some ROX Carbon from BRS that im fairly excited about. The reviews seem great and im sure it will be better than the Black Diamond Carbon I am currently using.
I have switched salt to Royal Nature. The tank was originally set up with H2Ocean salt. I got sick of this salt quickly as it added a terrible residue to my mixing tank and with its high price tag I was not sure it was worth it. I used one bucket of IO which brought my calcium down every time I did a waterchange. I realized I should pick a good salt and stick to it. I was going to try red sea coral pro after reading great reviews. After being recommended to Royal Nature by Dave at Concept, I must say it really seems great so far, along with great reviews.
I also decided to add filter socks to the mix on my tank. They will be changed out and washed frequently to help maintain low nutrients. I bought 7" socks from BRS along with a filter sock holder. I had to modify my drains under the tank to accomadate the filter sock.
And the last thing I added was another Energy Bar 8 for my Apex. I have had only one heater running on my tank since its start because I had no extra outlets on my apex. I decided with it now being winter I better get a back up heater on the tank. This will also allow me to add my return pump, skimmer, and ATO to the controller, as well as my dosing pumps that I have recently ordered and should be here next week! (super excited)
I just thought you should see me sweet calender as well haha
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