Originally Posted by jorjef
I have the Hanna calcium and alkalinity. I really have nothing to check accuracy against but what ever you do be very accurate with the water and solutions you need to add in testing and they should read out accurate. I got alot more than 15 tests in the calcium so not sure what to say there. For the ease of use and not trying to decide what "shade" of color is showing on other kits I'm glad I bought the Hanna testers.
I think it's cause I read on a couple of online vendors and Hanna's website that the Hanna Calcium Checker was $60 which included the checker, and 15 tests included.
150 Gal Cichlid tank, 55 Gal Cichlid tank, 42 Gal Hex Tropical tank, 2 Fluval Edge Tropical tanks.
And... 3 Miniature Schnauzers