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Old 11-21-2011, 05:09 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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Well just as an update I just drained the reactor of water, then moved the whole kit and kaboodle over to my FOWLR tank. The water is clearer, the nitrates dropped off in a week, I now have zero phosphate levels on there, the cyano is retreating and, although it might just be wishful thinking at this point, I think my valonia (bubble algae) looks like it's retreating as well.

Ha! Too bad I can't keep corals in that that tank (butterflies - corals nummy nummy!).

So the pellets can definitely do a nice job of things.

As to the bleached mini-maxi carpet however ... it's weird. It could be coincidental timing but it just seems like a bit of an odd coincidence. It did continue to bleach for at least a week following the reactor/tank switcharoo. Seems to be holding steady now, and it eats fine so I assume it will be OK..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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