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Old 11-21-2011, 07:39 AM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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Originally Posted by msjboy View Post
Looks pretty good...very tempting

- how does it compare to a Ecotech radion which i know fits into the red sea max 130s cabinet
- any images of the tank compared to stock pc lighting/before and after retrofit
- how many hours to assemble this retrofit for us laymans
- would be nice to have a video for the instructions too
- no need for lens on these leds.?

- do you sell ecoxotic panaroma pro or some similar.... I heard shadows of ones aquascape may be compensated only by 2 additions of stunner strips at the front and back
- any group discount for us folks out here in vancouver

Comparing to a Radion:
  • Radion has 2 extra LEDs over this kit (counting whites and blues)
  • Radion has Red and Green LEDs (you can add those to this kit if you like)
  • Radion is three times the price.
  • You are going to need some more serious modifications to the hood for a Radion. The fan on the Radion blows downward, so you will need to cut the acrylic I think. I never thought of trying to put a Radion in there. I think it would be a little overkill however we have more Radions coming this week so I will experiment.

I don't have one of these tanks running but as soon as I get some from a customer I will show you. I have 2 kits going out Monday so hope to have some soon.

It's really not difficult. Approximately 2 hours maybe. There will be some glue cure time but you can watch TV or surf canreef during that time so I didnt include it

Unfortunately it just doesn't lend very well to a video this one. Its very straight forward though. Open hood, remove stuff you don't need anymore, replace with new stuff haha. If you follow my full instructions link up there it wont be a problem.

I personally don't think you need lenses on this one because of the tank size and depth, however I know everyone has their own opinion on that so you are free to add lenses if you wish. Other customers have told me they preferred the BioCubes without lenses so I stopped including them in the kits.

Ecoxotic Panaroma
I only learned of these today. Inquiring as to distribution right now. We are trying to get all the LED options available listed so will definitely look into getting these stocked.

Group Discounts:
Absolutely, we do group discounts on all our products.
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