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Old 11-21-2011, 06:58 AM
msjboy msjboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: burnaby
Posts: 268
msjboy is on a distinguished road

Looks pretty good...very tempting

- how does it compare to a Ecotech radion which i know fits into the red sea max 130s cabinet
- any images of the tank compared to stock pc lighting/before and after retrofit
- how many hours to assemble this retrofit for us laymans
- would be nice to have a video for the instructions too
- no need for lens on these leds.?

- do you sell ecoxotic panaroma pro or some similar.... I heard shadows of ones aquascape may be compensated only by 2 additions of stunner strips at the front and back
- any group discount for us folks out here in vancouver
