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Old 11-18-2011, 02:45 AM
wolf_bluejay wolf_bluejay is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 84
wolf_bluejay is on a distinguished road
Default Really, really love my HRV

I've had mine for about 2 years now. Just before I installed it I was going through all the eco energy rebates in BC for the new furnace and heat pump, insulation etc. I found that with all the extra air sealing I went from having fogged up windows to where I was having water running down the walls on cold days.
It was nasty, with all sorts of mold issues. So, with the fact that I got a bunch of rebates for the HRV I installed my own. I spent a little under $600 for the unit and installed it myself. I got back about $500 on rebates. So the thing cost me very little.

The problem of wet windows went away. But even more so, me and the family felt less tired in the house, it got less muggy we we had a lot of people over (I kick it onto high then), and smells don't linger in the house, and much less dust. I like it so much that I would put one in a house even if I didn't have the fish tank.

That said, as I couldn't do it with the way my house is, but for my parents place they swapped out the bathroom fans with an HRV. It kicks into high for 30 minutes when you hit the fan button in either bathroom. It dumps the return air into the main living room.

For them, they didn't need to replace 2 bathroom fans at about $200 each for large quite ones so the unit was only a few hundred more. Considering they are on electric heat (and no air exchange in the house) the pay back was there and the comfort level was much better.

I can't see how you could lose with one unless you spent a lot to get one installed.
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