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Old 11-17-2011, 07:30 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

For me, I went with the HRV rather than the ERV because the Lifebreath engineer I dealt with (factory here in London) said the ERV can freeze up in winter and they never advise ERV when temperatures routinely hit below -5° C in winter. If you don't have that situation, an ERV could be considered, again, depending on just what you are looking to accomplish.
He also did calculations using winter house temperatures and square foot of all open water surfaces and temperature of the water in the tanks to figure out what size HRV would be needed for the volume of my home.
Lastly, he advised me NOT to use the humidistat as when the HRV is not actively running, the air exchange is not occurring and air exchange was important to me to keep pH from dropping too much in the tanks.
In our location, surrounded by the Great Lakes, humidity is extremely high in summer and I certainly don't want an ERV that is going to reintroduce some of that moisture back into the incoming air.
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