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Old 11-17-2011, 03:35 AM
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Hustler Hustler is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: edmonton
Posts: 260
Hustler is on a distinguished road

Ohh my sump has a few flaws for sure.... Its not "ideal" but it will have to do... at one time i had the skimmer running direct from an overflow..... but it didnt pan out....
Its running off the return now and thats that.... to be honest with the two clowns and the few corals..... it hasnt even made it yellow yet nevermind any green or cake.... my water is crystal and very little if any wast ATM.... and the skimmer will eat anything that goes in there but it isnt ideal I know....
This is my first "kick at the cat" so to speak so Ill be happy figuring out what all this does and make it work 75%..... the next build ill have some background behind me and it will work alot better
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