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Old 11-17-2011, 03:01 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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My house is new and it has a simple exhaust fan plumbed in from the cold air return to outside. Does the same thing as an HRV but without the heat exchange. I thought about upgrading but I figured I'd leave it for at least a year before I bothered. I have it connected to a central thermostat that controls humidity levels as well with the exhaust fan and the humidifier. I believe most of the time HRVs are controlled either by simple timers, local humidistats or even just a light switch. Anyways I watched the heat bills last winter when I first connected up the exhaust fan and control and I didn't notice any difference in consumption. I have 100 gallons open top upstairs and about the same worth of open sumps downstairs but there is a lot more exposed water surface than a typical 200 gallon system. The thermostat I use also has some other features it uses to limit window frost, not sure exactly but it works and it's a different setting than the set humidity which is still maintained.

So I guess for me I wouldn't bother with the HRV, I doubt the extra cost and install would ever pay off. But it will likely depend on the demand for it but there are other options for humidity control. You should also check your furnace, it should draw in some fresh air when it operates and many times moisture and mold problems are a result from poor air circulation, not always directly a result from high humidity from lack of ventilation exchange.

Last edited by sphelps; 11-17-2011 at 03:14 AM.
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