Originally Posted by asmodeus
looks really good man why the change thou. 
The first reason for the change was mainly due to the neglect Id shown the tank for the greater part of the summer. I had left the country for a month and upon arriving home my wavemaker system for my koralias had quit working. With that came some problems and obviously some loss. Second main problem for me was mushrooms were over taking my tank. I had added them when I first started my tank and I wasn't really aware of the pitfalls that comes with adding them. Another reason had to do with running the stockman standpipe method. It was never really quiet and not fail proof. Once I realized this I decided that I needed to make the system flood proof to ease my mind. So with all that i just decided Id go with new rock and new sand and start over with the new knowledge I have now. I plan on running a doser as soon as I can, where I will dose alk, calc, and mag. I also plan on running carbon and phosban as soon as I can get a reactor.