I have a rubbermaid bin that feeds my tank on a float switch. I turn on my RODI unit once every couple days to fill up the bin that has a float switch in it as well for when I forget to turn it off... oooo.. like right now. My bin sits partially below my sump water level when empty, it allows me to store 30 gallons of RO, with only the risk of 15 gallons getting to my tank if somehow my tank's float fails. I've also got a bin filled in the garage for emergency's. but the 30 gallons is used regularly for water changes.
I've been using the same float for 3 years now, as long as you put it somewhere where it'll get rinsed, there's little risk of the salt build up stopping it from sealing.
But yeah, if I where to buy a nice one I'd go tunze, i did this because it was a $15 float switch and works. Lots of great reviews on the tunze, which is hard with something like this, because the people with the negative experiences would be really ****ed, and speak the loudest.