Originally Posted by toxic111
I just have to correct you on this. New houses are NOT being built with a HRV, as this is not a requirement. You would have to request it from a builder. I am in the building industry, and I sure don't see many of them going in at all.
I believe that depends on just where you are as there can be local and provincial differences.
I put an HRV in many years ago and when I did the research on them, I found that it was a required item for new home building in many places. I'm unable to remember now just where those areas were but I'm sure someone else will chime in on it.
I should have put one in years earlier because I ended up replacing all the windows and doors due to the damage from the excess humidity.
I have a Lifebreath 300DC unit and it JUST works with the approximate 900g of open water I have in the basement.