I changed things around a little bit.
Just made it so that the structure is divided into two "islands", one bigger and one smaller.
Camera's broken though

I really wanna keep some SPS and maybe even a clam down the road, but at the moment my lighting situation isn't the greatest, so I'm just gonna let the tank cycle, and then put in a decent CUC.
I still can't figure out what to do for a substrate in the small refugium I'll have. I realized that the skimmer I have coming in the mail is going to take up more room than I thought it would, so I'll have to move the refugium to chamber 1 in the sump. But for substrate I'm thinking some kind of reef lagoon type mud, covered over in about 1/2" of sandbed. Anyone have any ideas? Also, how tall do these red mangroves get? I'd like a couple in there...