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Old 11-13-2011, 07:22 PM
2pts 2pts is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 123
2pts is on a distinguished road
Default Trip to the coast from Vernon

Hi everyone, I am going to the coast later this week, returning Saturday the 19th of November.

My family wants to come with, so we have to take a second vehicle (other than the union rented SUV) so we can stay longer.

I will be going to J&L and King Ed while I'm down there. I could bring back buckets of IO salt for $46 taxes and small gas allowance included (slightly more if your off my route ( I drive down Harvey in Kelowna, for example ).

I have done it before where someone orders more than the $300 free shipping minimum on livestock from J&L, where if you can get J&L to pay me the $50 shipping instead of the courier, then I would deliver to your house. This is something you would have to ask J&L if it is ok with them. It has an advantage in that J&L can pick the order that morning (as opposed to the night before for courier orders). It means the livestock goes from their tank to yours in about 6 hours as opposed to about 20 hours via courier.

I was planning to take our small car because of the gas difference, but if I could get enough people who wouldn't mind chipping in for gas, I could take our SUV.

If you want less than the free shipping amount or dry goods, PM me with your address and we could agree on a fair price. If you want a big livestock order, like the more than $300 option, PM me the details, cause I don't want any suprises while Ièm down there.

Thanks, Shawn.
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