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Old 11-13-2011, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
ok...This is a good sign he has flukes. Prazipro make the flukes go nuts and they twitch to death...then they drop from the fish. Prazipro causes the flukes to get some sort of spasmes and die from it.

I am guessing than when you put the prazipro it triggered the reaction on the flukes and that surely was not pleasant for the fish. That's not a good sign though as maybe he had a LOT of them.

Watch out for infection after the prazipro treatment. Poor fish, I hope everything goes well.
Alright well thats a good thing I guess at least something was wrong with him that is treatable. I just hope everything gets better throughout the treatment. Bad luck he has Lymph as well as flukes
What should I specifically watch for as for infections? Anything specific or just close monitoring? Thanks for all the help so far I am doing all I can to help this guy out!
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