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Old 11-13-2011, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
You have three CBB in your tank??
No, but have owned three. First one, I couldn't get to eat, so I returned him to the lfs after a couple months. I didn't have a QT at the time, and threw him straight into my display tank with my other fish. He survived my bully yellow tang, but I couldn't get him to eat any food I gave him. I had a very mature tank, and he would pick away at the live rock, so was obviously finding some little critters to eat, esp early in the morning and at night. But he was slowly wasting away, so thought I better get him back to the lfs before it was too late.

A few months later, I set up a refugium (which I could temporarily disconnect from my display tank) and tried again, but with two this time. I had them separated with a divider in the tank, but was successful in getting them both to eat, and later converted them onto dry food as well.

You might remember this video. I took some flak from both you and Daniella at the time for having two Copperbands in one tank. But I actually believe that having both got them feeding faster, as they learned from each other, or at least seemed to be stimulated by seeing the other go after food.

I tried a couple times to remove the divider, but they refused to play nice. So I moved one to the display tank, and eventually sold the other. So I now just have one, and he is doing wonderfully in my display tank, eating dry food from the surface at feeding time with the rest of the fish, and then hunting aiptasia, or whatever he can find in the live rock the rest of the time.

I should mention, too, that I also have multiple Pearscale Butterfly fish in that same display tank, and they all get along fine. In fact, I believe it was them that taught my Copperband to go after aiptasia. He wouldn't touch them until they started to nip at them. It took the Pearlscales a few months, too, before they finally got the taste. But am really happy to finally have my display tank clear of aiptasia (was totally over run with them before).

BTW, I now have a proper QT set-up, and any new fish go through that for 2 months, before going into my display tank. Haven't added any fish for a while, but use it for crabs, shrimp and corals, too.
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