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Old 11-12-2011, 08:16 PM
philg3 philg3 is offline
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Default Two Little Fishies KW300 DIY Mod

Hey Team,

So i have been looking at options for adding a kalkwasser reactor to my ATO, and all the options are either $250+ (nah...) or a start from scratch DIY. It's not that im completely incapable of building a reactor, but once you get all the pieces together, Acrylic tube especiallly, your already looking at around 100-150$.

The Two Little Fishies KW 300 seems like a cheaper option, but isnt ideal since you have to use a 1200L pump for your top off. the mixing also happens at the exact same time as the topping off, which is a little dangerous as well. I was thinking of modifying one so that I could use a slower Dosing pump while still getting saturated Kalkwasser.

Here's the plan:

KW 300 Mod.jpg

I have a spare Maxi 1200 lying around, so just the TLF KW 300 and a couple of plumbing pieces and I should be set. Set the Maxi jet on a timer to go off for a minute or 30 seconds every hour, and my ATO pump is already set up.

I think I'll pick one up this week and try it out, I'll post pics as I go.
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