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Old 11-12-2011, 06:06 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
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I run a 48" tall Beckett Skimmer. I have T'd off my return pump as close to the output as possible to give the slimmer the most it can get. Farther down the line of the return pump it's T'd off to feed 2 different frag tanks, then goes from the basement upstairs to feed my main display where it is choked off a bit so that the display gets a bit less flow. Mind you I'm running a 6000 gallon per hour pump, I don't think it's pressure rated though. You should have any problem at all T-ing your return pump as close to the output as possible to feed the skimmer, then valving it it off before it reaches the display to control how much the skimmer gets. Hope this helps.
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