Originally Posted by daniella3d
I would leave him in quarantine because if you end up needing to treat him it will be much easier to do so in the quarantine. Plus you don't know if he does not have something else after only 2 weeks.
Do you have any liverock in there? if not, then maybe you can put a few pieces so that he has something to examin. MIne like to pick on the liverock during the day.
If he is eating well I would not worry and I would leave him in the quarantine for another 2 weeks and observe.
Do you have a strong light? mine absolutely hate strong light and do all sort of gooffy thing to try to hide itself from the light. Maybe using a dimmer light may help him. Mine is most active under the actinic or low light.
No there is no liverock in there. I did add sand for the leopard wrasse. I have previously used cupramine in this tank so if I added some rock that would be its new home. But it may be worth it. The light is actually extremely dim. It is a 60 dollar marineland LED but I have a screen over the tank which blocks at least half the light. This makes sense though as when he does his upside down thing he always does it almost behind the power filter which is the only place away from the light. I think I will add a cave of some sort for him maybe this will help.