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Old 11-12-2011, 11:58 AM
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Default Massive sub pumps or cut into return line for skimmer?

I didnt know where to put this so I figured i would try here...
my skimmer is oversized and came with an inline 3800gph pump, running that with my return pump on my 100 gallon sump was just insane..... the water would empty in about 10 secons and i couldnt add enough to make it work logically with 2" of water gushing over my baffles....
So ive pulled one inline pump out and tried running the skimmer off of one overflow direct but it just isnt enough power to do anything significant...
So either i add 2 submersible pumps inside my sup for the skimmer and keep my high flow return just for the display and my reactors Or i cut 2 T's in my return lines and ball valve them to my skimmer aswell?

Any ideas or opinions would be Much appreciated
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