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Old 11-11-2011, 05:15 PM
mayheim mayheim is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Alberta
Posts: 24
mayheim is on a distinguished road

Hey Marko. I just used a product called "Chemi clean" red slime remover treats up to 900 gallons, comes in a powder form. Turned off my skimmer, took carbon and any other media out of my sump. one teaspoon per 10 gallons. put carbon backin after 24 hrs., and turned on my skimmer after 48 hrs. It says to do a 20% water change also after 48 hrs, but I waited an extra 3 days and just did my weekly water change. Slime completely gone. I have done this to my fish only tank and reef tank, with no ill effects. Also cut back on the feeding, tend to ovefeed at times which causes the growth. I just finished this whole process this morning. Tanks look great.
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