Hey....sorry for the late replies.... the stainless welds have been calling 14 hrs a day.....
and ontop of that..... lol in my tired rum n coke state i tried to attach my skimmer to a direct overflor pipe..... 24hrs and nothing..... cant be working right so i will have to add power pumps submersed and start from scratch there.....
No abs to PVC in this run i did it all first pics abs and top notch as best i could....problem was I was roughing with sandpaper and it worked against me..... straight cuts and double glue from here on out.......ive done a thousand joints and never had a problem.....seems its just when it counts it gives the headaches....
Any advice or imput is more than appreciated

Got the return side all up and running but the skimmer side.....tooo much pump to keep the water in the 100 gph sump.... tried running full on one solid overflow with air injector....no go..... so back to the drawing bored....