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Old 11-11-2011, 02:47 AM
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Default NP pellets and bleaching events

Ugh .. this has not been my couple of weeks lately.

I added biopellets to my tank a couple weeks ago. Today I notice my mini-maxi carpet is bleaching. When I tried pellets (in fact, it may be the same batch of pellets now that I think of it) on my carpet tank a while back (summer 2010) I noticed my carpets bleached then too. They eventually recovered, although it was months later.

That's far too coincidental. I think that I was using "NPX extreme" or something - not the typical pellets which had worked well for me prior, but some kind of smaller-but-more-surface-area variety.

Obviously the stuff is going to go into the trash can.

I seem to recall that others had reported inexplicable bleaching in LPS with pellets. Does anyone else have any stories to relate? Personally I am suspecting the smaller pellets but thinking that the regular pellets, given their widespread adoption out there (I think?? anyhow? Seems to me people are using them with success) that this is not a typical problem with the regular pellets.

Interestingly I would suggest it doesn't seem to be that it has reduced nutrients too aggressively. I'm not sure what's all going on lately but one problem I'm tracking is that nitrates are suddenly climbing aggressively (one of the reasons I added the pellets .. I thought maybe I was overfeeding a bit but there seems to be a bit of a disconnect there). But.. I guess that's getting off topic. I'm more curious about who's noticed bleaching in anemones and/or LPS with pellets and if they remember specifically what brand or type of pellet they were using at the time..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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