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Old 11-10-2011, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
It straight up says don't turn off any of those things
That can't be right... I've used Ultralife before, I don't remember it saying that, but it's been a while.

This is what I remember of the stuff..

1) It makes your water pee yellow for 1/2 hour but does eventually clear up.
2) It makes your skimmer go berserk. You have to turn the air right down or turn it off. It's better to leave it on though and let it spill back into the tank. This way you have a little bit of air exchange going on because as the cyano dies off it will create an oxygen deficit in the tank.
3) It takes at least 2 days, if memory serves, before you start to see any effect. Depending on how bad the cyano is, it might take up to a week to clear. If it's really bad you might have to do it twice.
4) Once clear, you put your carbon on to start pulling out the slime remover, do a water change, and start your skimmer back up. You likely have to ramp up the airflow very slowly otherwise it will just overflow right away all over again.
5) If works really well, but it only clears the cyano. If what caused the cyano isn't fixed, the cyano will eventually come back.

Hope this helps..

PS/Edit: I remember now that the last time I used it, it took about a week for the cyano to die off, and it took almost another whole week to reset the tank after that back to normal. I find the stuff does work well, but it is a matter of last resort just because it's such a pain to manage the tank throughout the treatment.
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