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Old 11-07-2011, 05:37 PM
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Lampshade Lampshade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 629
Lampshade is on a distinguished road

It's actually very bad, mine spawn and keep growing buds in the middle of monti's, etc. They seem to be far more aggressive than any other SPS in my tank, so generally sting like crazy with sweepers that are 3X the size of the bud, before i find it and try to remove it. At least with aptaisia once you nuke it, it's gone, these pocci's you can't kill. .

I seem to have the same pink pocci's whatcaneyedo linked. I've let a few of them grow, is it normal for them to only be "healthy" at the top? it seems that as they grow the base is dieing, it bleaches then turns to rock, meanwhile the rest of the colony continues to grow. I was worried about bugs for awhile, but none of my other SPS is showing anything bad, only these pocci's.
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