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Old 11-04-2011, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
Eventually i would love to ditch the rear halide system, 6 of these fixtures costs around $5200 though so It won't be happening any time soon. All in all I'm already in love with these things, the color spectrum and versatility absolutely blows the MH/T5 combo out of the water.

Funny enough the tank dropped to 75°F yesterday as the heaters were turned way down (The metal halides provided enough heat to keep the tank warm). Fixed that so the tank should be running around 78°F today.

As far as growth goes only time will tell, these things do make for VERY easy reaquascaping compared to the previous fixture.
Awesome, so you think 6 would be enough for your tank dimensions? The tank that Kevin at RCC has in process for me is almost the same dimensions as yours and I'm hoping to hide them in the budget for the construction of the house
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