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Old 11-03-2011, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
think you'll end up going full LED at any point? what's your impression of them compared to your halides?
Eventually i would love to ditch the rear halide system, 6 of these fixtures costs around $5200 though so It won't be happening any time soon. All in all I'm already in love with these things, the color spectrum and versatility absolutely blows the MH/T5 combo out of the water.

Funny enough the tank dropped to 75°F yesterday as the heaters were turned way down (The metal halides provided enough heat to keep the tank warm). Fixed that so the tank should be running around 78°F today.

As far as growth goes only time will tell, these things do make for VERY easy reaquascaping compared to the previous fixture.
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