Originally Posted by lorenz0
nice, looking forward to how these bad boys look. lol chem class, just finished my lab...
Ever have Diana Garrett? If no, consider yourself lucky. That lady made like 2 people cry in my last lab class, evil evil lady...
Originally Posted by asylumdown
I am rather excited to see these new lights. I'm very, very, very strongly considering lighting my entire tank with them.
ETA: also, are you at the UofC? I'm here right now reading your thread instead of reading this massive volume on Ecological planning in an urban context. #fail for school.
So far couldn't be happier with them, the design is amazing and the versitility is unreal! The program is a little hard to get used too but all in all they are great pieces of equipment.
Who wants to read THE MERCK MANUAL or THE BURGESS MANUAL when you can read my reef manual

. No though @ MRU.