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Old 02-03-2004, 03:01 PM
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AJ_77 AJ_77 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Well you've got ick in the tank, it seems from your blog. If you want to start fresh, take out the damsel as planned and let the tank sit fishless for 6-8 weeks. Yeah right, I know - no one buys a tank to let it sit empty, but even once the damsel is gone, the ick will live for up to 2 months or so, waiting for another opportunity (your next fish). And newly-introduced fish with their stressed/depressed immune systems are ick magnets.

So, your choice. If you must put something else in there, go with the captive-bred clowns. They're pretty tough. Either way, it's good to wait quite a while and see how they do, what the tank does, and how things go in general before adding any more fish. Even crabs/shrimps and snails can be entertaining - I watched mine for quite a while until fish came into the picture. A few beginner corals (softies/shrooms) help add interest too.

Depending on the size of fishes and your level of filtration, you might get away with up to 5 little fishies for your 38 gal, and some people will scoff at that number (too high). In a small tank, small fish are better - imagine how much bigger that tank would seem to a tiny goby rather than a large damsel.

Take it slow, see what develops, and over the next 3-6 months you'll get a better idea of what to add. You'll learn a lot going through the maturing process with your tank, and noting how it and its inhabitants respond to the various changes and stages. (Not to mention any blunders you make along the way.)
