Thread: LED Craze
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Old 10-31-2011, 03:24 AM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
. Most folks may not be aware of the fact that conversion of AC to DC to run LEDs (DC devices) results in a 15 to 30% power loss in the process. .
I think you got that backwards Mike, generaly going to DC is much more efficient. for example changing your furnace from a 120V fan to a 12V unit will save you about 25% on your power consumption due to your furnace. if you go with a varable 12V fan the savings are even more.

the main reason for having AC is the ability to change its voltage easy and it carries over long distances better.

I think the man drive for developing AC Line voltage driven LEDs is cost. no ballast needed, can be dimmed with a simple wall dimmer from home depot ect.....

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