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Old 10-29-2011, 08:33 PM
nrosdal nrosdal is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kelowna, bc
Posts: 525
nrosdal is on a distinguished road

the tanks stayed in this layout for a few months... and in that time i had noticed little polyps popping themselves out of the rocks where they had previously been(years ago). They must have been hiding in there waiting for me to become qualified to give them a nice clean tank/good water parameters.

Here is a shot of them with my mystery coral right beside them (some kind of cabbage?)

it was around this time that i lost my vlamingi tang... it was soon after that when i decided to do a little more rearranging on the left side of the rock work (as i was pretty content with what was happening on the right).

Right side:

Left side:

sorry for the crappy pics, but they are from my phone


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