Thread: The new beast.
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Old 10-28-2011, 11:05 PM
STANKYfish STANKYfish is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Mission Bc
Posts: 55
STANKYfish is on a distinguished road
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Yes, This is a beauty of a beast!! I have seen this in person and spent way to much time gazing into this amazing reef....... cause it is in my basement filled Not standing up in the corner waiting, as many fish friend vistors to our home may remember
Shane worked very hard this last week to set it up. Building the stand, plumbing , new bulbs, etc. Two long days alone were used to transfer the many corals, rock, sand and inhabitants. He did an awesome job!! Everything handled the move and now look the BEST they ever have!! Viewing is three sides, its like having three tanks in one. I love it!!!
I suggested for him to start a journal when the fish room was built, (3yr ago ) it was set up "temporary" Many changes have occurred and been planned in there but things come up that need your attention, money or time.......and now he (we) think we need a bigger fish room ...shed, barn,warehouse
Its very bad when both of us are retardily addicted and co dependant (i collect, he does)
Maybe he (we) should start a build thread..
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