Originally Posted by cale262
Well I bought two of them, First i have to figure out how I'm going to mount them over the tank, I have some idea's I'm going to play around with on Sunday. I'm also running three other LED units, a Pacsun Black Python 200W which will be replaced by the ecotech's since I have to send this unit back to Poland for warranty reasons..., a 180w Reeftech Prometheous and a EcoXotic 24" fixture, so it will be nice to compare between the three units...so far the Ecotech are the most aesthetically pleasing and i'm really looking forward to the different colors the Ecotech has to offer.
Dude, your are crazy, I can't believe you got all 4 fixtures... must too be nice to have money.
one question, pacsun compare to reeftech. which one do you prefer and which one gets better results as far as coral growth and color? ultimately which one do you like it better.
Thanks for the feed back.