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Old 10-25-2011, 05:40 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough
Default big thanks to "fishoholic,fishytime,jphong,blueworld"

ok shout out for some thanks to laurie(fishoholic) for the frogspawn i got last night the size of my head lol wow that thing is huge lol thanks girlie

thanks doug(fishytime) for bringing me some frags from edmonton since im not driving its very hard to get around and doug was nice enough to run to blueworld in edmonton and pick some things up for me.....btw your tank is stunning and its funny to know im not the only house with the radioactive blue glow coming from the windows lol cheers mang

thanks ken at blueworld for holding onto the frags that john(jphong) had dropped off for me a few weeks ago, i know your in the business of selling frags not holding them so it was greatly appreciated and yet another reason why blueworld is such a great store to deal with, have always enjoyed your service

and to my little buddy john(jphong) big thanks to you for sure, not sure if your on here these days but i gotta say man not many people would have done what you did and im extremely happy today for the frags you sent to me

heres a little sneak peek, last year when i had to sellout my zoa tank john bought my nuclear green and purple death colonys they were quite big and it saddened my heart to even sell them but life at the time wasnt allowing me to have a tank so i had no choice but to get rid of them......this year john had to take a break from the hobby and sell his set up.he offered me a frag back of the purple deaths and the nukes and wouldnt accept payment for them he said and i quote " dont worry about it buddy, im just glad to see you get them back"

so last night i got my frags from john from doug and to my amazement the are 12 heads of nuclear greens and 11 heads of the purple deaths, they are opened up this morning and looking great .i def did not expect this and am in wow once again in this hobby just how close alot of us are and how friendly alot of us are.

cheers guys and good karma is behind you all

heres a pic taken this morning once the t5's kicked on

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