Originally Posted by kien
Not a stupid question at all. Lots of people don't know what HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation) units are.
Yes HEAT recovery......that is why they are good for the winter but are not much more efficient than just plain exhausting air in the summer when the AC is on. Also realize that a dehumidifier is more efficient in a warmer environment and less efficient in a cold one..... For these reasons a dehumidifier trumps HRV in the summer and an HRV is best in the winter months. Also if I just used the HRV in the summer I would be bringing in the warm and humid summer air....going against what I'm trying to accomplish. I had this conversation with the guy who owns a HVAC company (installed my HRV) and this is what he explained to me. I researched it myself on the net and came up with the same conclusion.
The only down side to running a dehumidifier in the summer is that they add heat ...but its the best option. The AC will also help to take humidity out.