10-25-2011, 04:38 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: longueuil, quebec
Posts: 1,979
Thanks a lot!
Do you think that chemi pure and purigen are making a big difference?
What zeo products are you dosing if you don't mind me asking?
Originally Posted by spawn
It's a very LNS, i get readings of 0 for PO4 on a hanna, & zero for NO3 on elos. But is some in there cause of that leafy algae crap on the back wall. I thikn it comes from the SB or the rock?? It's a red sea max 250 running stock skimmer, two mp 10wes, 2 koralia 750, with a tek 6 bulb & arcylic shroud with a mirror finish on the inside of the shroud. No mechanical filtration is used what so ever. I dose several zeo products on a schedule, & dose vodka, but run no zeolites, there are no reactors or any external stuff on this system. I run 2 bags of chemi pure elite, 1 bag of purigen, & about 1/3 cup of rowa phos. It has a profilux for 2 part, MG is dosed manually, & tunze ATO.... lighting is 2 on for 11.5 hours FP in front SB in back the center 4 are SB SB NG FP on for 9 hours... & I think that's it 