Originally Posted by MMAX
I was making a couple of frags the other day of some red zoas. I've read all the stories in here about the possible dangers of handling these corals but thought it could never happen to me. I'm not allergic to much in the way of bug bites, bee stings etc, so I went in bare handed. By the time I was done cutting and gluing I had a slight tingling in my left hand. As the night progressed it was almost as if my hand had gone to sleep--pins and needles all over. That's as bad as it got, no swelling or tingling up my arm or anywhere else but it was enough to scare me straight. Never again will I frag anything without gloves. Just be warned. Most of us know what we are and aren't allergic to but when it comes to exotic stuff like corals you just never know.
thanks for sharing man, not something to be taken lightly glad your ok