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Old 02-02-2004, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by dekay
I'd go with a small angel. Lemonpeel, potter angel and flame angels are all nice (might be too much red if you go with the flame though). Otherwise, I'd go with a sixline wrasse, but i heard they're mean suckers. Probably the last fish you want to add.
Small Angels: not good "beginner fish" as they have specific requirements between species - these require more research and dedication than Perculas or Chromis, particularily the 3 species mentioned above. A better choice might be the Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosus) - they seem to have widespread success with hobbiests keeping them alive.

What about 2 clowns and just call it a day? Just throw in a haddoni, assuming you have enough light and add some cool shrimps.
I don't know what you're thinking... A Haddon's (Carpet) Anemone is another bad choice for a new tank (ANY anemone is) - they are tricky even for the experienced aquarist. This is pretty common knowledge - if we're going to give newbies advice, let's be a little more careful.

Two clowns would be a good choice, if they're tank-raised Ocellaris (False Percula). They are typically hardier, and will accept most foods you can buy.