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Old 10-22-2011, 03:31 AM
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Hustler Hustler is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: edmonton
Posts: 260
Hustler is on a distinguished road

The ammo alert is in there now... has been since the salt... The rock came from a running reef and was maybe MAYBE 20 min in transport with very very little die off i can tell anyways from the black bottom i have.... corals and clowns are amazing and the ammo alert hasnt twitched yet and Ill still do WCs.... also adding prime and stability just incase.... that and I have a huge exxcess from my stingray days so its already here lol.
Myka thanks again for all the help.... I realize its a new world with salt but Im pretty sure the clown pair is in the safe zone either way seeing as ive probabbly spent more in safeguards while making the switch then the clowns themselves
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