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Old 10-22-2011, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Hustler View Post
So when everyone said.... get a pair of clowns to cycle the tank they lied? lol
This is some freshwater thinkin you gotta ditch. Whoever told you that shouldn't be trusted for future information either.

When cycling a tank you are looking to get a population of nitrifying bacteria. These bacteria are found mostly in and on live rock in a saltwater tank. Thus, if you buy rock from an established tank your tank is essentially cycled the moment you put the rock in. Curing rock is the process where you deal with die-off either from "fresh" collected rock that you buy from the LFS or die-off from a move. If you see ammonia your rock is curing, if you don't see ammonia in the first week your rock is cured (no die-off). Get a SeaChem Ammonia Alert, and if there is any color change on there get on here pronto. Ammonia burn will permanently damage a fish's gills.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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