The bulbs may change be it better color, more efficient, etc., but the power supplies for LEDs are capable of running older or newer bulbs. Maybe not as many bulbs if you decide to change to higher wattage, but then a 250W ballast won't work so great on 400w MH's. So maybe long term a DIY system may be easier to up grade if it came to needing more drivers but a prebuilt one should have no problems if it ever needed same type bulbs replaced. I see LEDs following MH, just as there are 70,150,250,400W bulbs for different requirements (but all types of bulbs are still available), there will be 1,3,5W LED lamps available for different applications as well. LED technology is pretty old now, it's the applications of use that are new. I've seen tanks lit with LED fixtures that gave me headaches to look at and others that looked amazing. There is no clear cut answers as what is pleasing to me could be very bothersome to you.