Originally Posted by intarsiabox
I seem to remember the VHO craze, the MH craze, the T5 craze, the T5HO craze and LED. All have been used successfully, all have their fans and all have advantages and disadvantages. I don't really see the point of this thread you argue anything positive mentioned and seem to fishing more for vindication against LEDs than any answers. You're never going to hear all positive responses on any lighting technology and they all can work when done properly. Maybe I'm wrong but this how it's coming off as to me.
I set up this thread as I am considering LED, but have some concerns that I don't have the answers for. There has only been one concern that has been satisfied(50,000 hours).
I realize all lights have their plus's and negatives, but this is a fairly new product, and the last time it was mass produced, the company went under. There was probably a lot learned from this but there are still issues with unanswered questions. I know what I have with MH's, PC's and T5's, but I don't with LED's, so I ask questions. I want to know exactly what the negatives and positives are before I make a change.