Thread: Wayne's 225
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Old 10-21-2011, 07:10 PM
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waynemah waynemah is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 376
waynemah is on a distinguished road

I'll be removing the lids once I find a way to reduce my humidity, my house hits 60 - 70 % with them off and around 50 with them on. I'll likely do a humidistat connected to a bathroom fan venting outside.

As for a FTS, It's really embarrassing right now due to the amount of Cyano and lack of fish... Once I get that under control and the area cleaned up a bit there will be a FTS

The aluminum cantruss is really nice to work with, it has so many options I'm suprised it's not more popular. It also acts as a heatsync, so I dont need to use any fans! Lights peak at 110F.
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