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Old 10-21-2011, 02:15 AM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
I was thinking McCoskers, Carpentar's or Linespot.

Which one I choose will depend more on which I can get a harem for. I want to add the flasher wrasses first as a group, so I need to be able to get my hands on 2 females and a male of one species at the same time. I'll add the lineatus wrasses second. I'm tempted to try and track down 4 female lineatus wrasses and let one change in to a male to try and avoid aggression from the start.
McCosker's would be a great choice, they are quite peaceful. With wrasses you can use one super male, one sub-dominanant male and then however many females you want. The sub-dominant male will keep the super male in his brightest colors. I find super males and single males will flash at other fish if they don't have any of their specie in the tank.

Make sure you cover every square inch of your tank!
~ Mindy

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