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Old 10-20-2011, 04:37 AM
cdhollan cdhollan is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 25
cdhollan is on a distinguished road
Default Re-start Up Advice

Sooooo... had to shut down my nano for roughly 3 months due to basements renos, basement flooding, etc. Gave all the livestock away but never emptied the tank and cleaned it since its been just sitting in storage... so the LR is still in the tank, 80% of the water evaporated, and the lights haven't been on months... wondering how i should proceed to start up again.. do i have to re-cycle? get new sand? just put water back and cycle a bit? The tank was established for probably 4ish years.

Heres a pic of what it looked like before ><
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