Thread: t5 lighting
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Old 10-20-2011, 01:56 AM
Davidbugera Davidbugera is offline
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Originally Posted by 68shelby View Post
I just went to a tek light 6 bulb t5 lighting system, use to run a 150 halide and actinincs. But now algae has exploded in my tank, At first I thought the bulbs were old so I bought all new gieseman bulbs. I mean my glass is literally green in 3 days What gives? Help
What spectrum are ur white bulbs, 6500 which has a higher red spectrum will grow mad algea but get filterd to fast for coral to enjoy it.12000 is still a reddish blue (more red) light that both can enjoy and 22000 is daylight white bulb that is more blue then red but will slow the growth of algea as it needs red spectrum to grow and still benefit the coral in ur tank.

Over the years coral have adapted more to the blue then the red light due to the saltwaters ability to filter out reds. Any one else if I'm wrong pls don't be shy to tell me where my research went wrong.
They should have a sign on all fish stores reading"this hobbie is worse then heroin" maybe then I would have bin prepared for what was about to happen to my wallet.
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