Thread: Mangroves
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Old 10-19-2011, 01:11 AM
Corbin Corbin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Vancouver B.C.
Posts: 178
Corbin is on a distinguished road

Coral*junkie: 10 Confirmed
MEDHBSI: 2 Confrimed
philg3: 3 Confirmed
Canuckgod420: 6 Confirmed
Corbin: 2 Confirmed
Scuba steve: 2 Confirmed.

So instead of PM'ing everyone back ill just write this all out here
Did i miss anyone, order has been placed, i paid for all 29. so there is 4 extra, if anyone else would like to purchase them let me know. im waiting to hear when they are shipped, should be here between tomorrow and friday. its greyhound so it really wont take more then a day if all goes well.
Then ill pick them up and give everyone a call.

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